Rodolfo Russo
School of Physics and Astronomy
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, E1 4NS London, UK
room: Physics 226
tel: +44 (0)20 78825810
fax: +44 (0)20 78827033
email: (please, replace the dot before qmul with @)
Research Interest:
String theory, gauge theories. In particular:
Perturbative string theory: physical applications and the mathematical structure of higher loop string diagrams;
Black holes in string theory: emergent geometry from string amplitudes and microstate geometries;
(String) Phenomenology: low energy limit of string amplitudes, effective actions, D-brane models, higher dimensional models;
Gauge/gravity correspondence: the AdS/CFT duality beyond the supergravity approximation, (non)conformal deformations of this duality.
A complete
list of my papers can be found on INSPIRE.
Teaching and administration:
Relativistic Waves & Quantum Fields (PHY415).
I am the organizer of the Graduate program in String/Field Theory at Queen Mary.
Supervisor for BSc and master projects.
I am the director of the Euromaster programme.