Meeting @Saclay: 15-17/11/2011
The aim of the meeting is to bring together people working in the general area of microstate geometries, non-BPS multicenter solutions, and their interface with flux compactifications, in order to discuss some of the recent developments and research directions.
The meeting is part of a joint collaboration, partially funded by a CNRS "Projet International de Coopération Scientifique", involving researchers from the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies at UPMC, the Centre for Research in String Theory at QMUL, the Institut de Physique Théorique at CEA Saclay and the Theoretical Physics group at Imperial College.
Practical Information
The workshop will take place at the Institut de Physique Théorique at CEA Saclay in the Amphitheater Bloch, which is in the hall right at the entrance of the lab.
Unfortunately we will not be able to book an accommodation on the behalf of the participants. These are some suggestions for a hotels in Paris or closer to the institute in Saclay.
Directions to Saclay are available here while general information on the public transport system in Paris can be found here. All participant can take advantage of a bus connecting the RER station of Le Guichet (on the line B) to Saclay: the bus leaves just after 9:00am so as to collect passengers of the RER train below
Iosif Bena, Stefano Giusto, Mariana Grana, Michela Petrini, Rodolfo Russo
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from