
We hold a range of seminars - weekly research seminars, triangular seminars (held jointly with King's College and Imperial College London), and pedagogical and reading group talks. See the The London Triangle for details of seminars across London.

Our weekly research seminars are held in Room 112 on Thursdays at 2PM, unless otherwise noted. The organiser for this seminar is Konstantinos Zoubos.

Forthcoming talks

October 2006

Thursday 12/10/2006 - Paul Heslop (QMUL)
Title: N=4 Superconformal Characters and Partition Functions

Wednesday 18/10/2006 - Asad Naqvi (Swansea)
Title: Phase Structure of N=4 SYM and Gravity in Anti-de Sitter Space
Time 2:00pm; Place: Room 112

Thursday 26/10/2006 - Pietro Antonio Grassi (Alessandria - Univ. Piemonte Orientale)
Title: Pure Spinor Strings and Non-Critical Strings

November 2006

Thursday 2/11/2006 - Yusuke Kimura (QMUL)
Title: Describing curved spaces by matrices

Triangular Seminar at KCL
Wednesday 15/11/2006 - Samson Shatashvili (Trinity, Dublin)
Title: Higgs Bundles, Gauge Theories and Quantum Groups
Time: 3:30pm; Place: Franklin-Wilkins Building, Room 1.60

Triangular Seminar at KCL
Wednesday 15/11/2006 - Troels Harmark (Niels Bohr Institute)
Title: Matching the Hagedorn temperature in AdS/CFT
Time: 5:00pm; Place: Franklin-Wilkins Building, Room 1.60

Thursday 23/11/2006 - Riccardo Ricci (Imperial)
Title: Wilson Loop Correlators from D-branes and Matrix Models

Thursday 30/11/2006 - Ian Moss (Newcastle)
Title: Heterotic M-theory Simplified.

December 2006

Tuesday 5/12/2006 - Chethan Gowdigere (ICTP, Trieste)
Title: Towards Black Rings in AdS
Time 2:00pm; Place: Room 410

Thursday 7/12/2006 - Valeria Gili (QMUL)
Title: Boundary Conformal Field Theory and Ribbon Graphs: A Tool for Open/Closed String Dualities

Triangular Seminar at IC
Wednesday 13/12/2006 - Bert Schellekens
Title: Sightseeing in the Landscape
Time: 4:00pm; Place: Lecture Theatre 2, First Floor, Blackett Lab

Triangular Seminar at IC
Wednesday 13/12/2006 - Radu Tatar (Liverpool)
Title: Metastable Vacua, Geometric Engineering and MQCD Transition
Time: 5:30pm; Place: Lecture Theatre 2, First Floor, Blackett Lab

January 2007

Thursday 11/1/2007 - Valya Khoze (Durham)
Title: SUSY breaking by a metastable ground state: Why the early Universe preferred the non-supersymmetric vacuum

Recent Talks

For a list of past talks see Jan-Jun 2005 , Jul-Dec 2005 and Jan-Jun 2006 .

Our seminar organiser is Konstantinos Zoubos.