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Lectureship in Theoretical Physics The School of Physics is seeking to appoint a new Lecturer in Theoretical Physics. This position will provide the successful candidate with an exceptional opportunity to become part of a highly active Research Centre focused on a fertile and vibrant area of theoretical physics. The lectureship is full-time and permanent.
Full details about the post and the application form can be found on this website. Informal enquiries should be addressed to the Head of School, Prof WJ Spence at w.j.spence@qmul.ac.uk or on +44 20 7882 5518.
Completed application forms quoting reference number 10430/CA should be returned by email to j.moura@qmul.ac.uk or by post to Ms J Moura, School of Physics, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS.
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 11th January 2011 at 5pm

Postdoctoral Positions

Postdoctoral Position The Centre for Research in String Theory has one STFC funded Postdoctoral Position this year. The position is for 2 years and commences 1st October 2011. Full details about the post and the application form can be found on this website.
Completed application forms, and CV together with a research statement should be returned by email to j.moura@qmul.ac.uk, or by post to: Recruitment Administrator, School of Physics, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS. In addition three recommendation letters should be sent preferably by email to j.moura@qmul.ac.uk by the deadline.
Closing date for applications: 3rd December 2010

There are two sources of funding available to support postdoctoral research in the group - research grants won by members of the group and used to employ postdoctoral researchers, and ad hominem fellowships which are won by individuals outside Queen Mary, and used to fund their own research here.

Grant-funded positions:

Funding for postdoctoral research positions in the group comes from the European Union, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Ad Hominem Fellowhips:

There are also a number of Fellowships available to support postdoctoral research, and we encourage applications for these. Due to the competitive nature of these Fellowships we will only be able to support a very limited number of applicants for each. We will be making decisions on this four weeks prior to the closing date for each Fellowship. Potential applicants should contact us prior to these dates.

If you know a particular member of staff please contact them directly, otherwise contact Andreas Brandhuber. Further information about these Fellowships can be obtained from the links below.

EPSRC and STFC Postdoctoral Fellowships

Two Research Councils, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) offer two or three year postdoctoral Fellowships that can be taken at QMUL (or any other UK university). String theory lies somewhere in between the remit of the Mathematics section of EPSRC and the Particle Physics section of STFC and our group has been supported by both. EPSRC offers both Mathematics and Theoretical Physics postdoctoral fellowships. More information on these awards and the application procedures can be found via the following links:

EPSRC Postdocs

EPSRC and STFC Five Year Advanced Fellowships

EPSRC (as "Career Acceleration Fellowships") and STFC also award a small number of Advanced Fellowships which are valid for 5 years, with the possibility of them being extended if permanent jobs are offered by the institution at the completion of the award. More details of these awards can be found from the following links:

STFC Advanced Fellowships

EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowships

Royal Society University Research Fellowships

Royal Society University Research Fellowships are tenable for 5 years and renewable in two instalments up to 10 years. More details can be found from:

The Royal Society

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships

The Royal Society offers a small number of Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships. They are for 4 years. For more details see:

The Royal Society


Previous Postdoctoral Researchers at QM:

The Advanced or Royal Society Fellowships mentioned above are a common precursor to an academic staff appointment in UK universities. For example, a number of our current staff held such fellowships here or elsewhere prior to or during appointment -- Berman (EPSRC), Ramgoolam (PPARC), Spence (EPSRC), Thomas (Royal Society), Travaglini (EPSRC).

Some previous holders of staff and/or postdoctoral positions in the theory group at Queen Mary are (with current location in brackets):

M. Abou-Zeid (Hannover)
B. Acharya (QM PhD, ICTP)
M. Alvarez (City)
L. Anguelova (Utrecht)
A. Chamblin
N. Copland (Harish Chandra Institute, India)
P. DeMedeiros (QM PhD, Edinburgh)
F. Dowker (Imperial)
M. Duff (Imperial)
J. Figueroa-O'Farrill (Edinburgh)
J. Gauntlett (Imperial)
M. Green (Cambridge)
J. Gutowski (King's)
P. Heslop (Durham)
C. Hull (Imperial)
R. Khuri (City College, New York)
N. Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Y. Kimura (Oviedo University)
Y. Lozano (Oviedo)
D. Martelli (King's)
P. Martin (Leeds)
A. Miemiec (Humboldt Univ, Berlin)
A. Mikovic (Lisbon)
T. Ortin (Madrid)
S. Pakis
G. Papadopoulos (King's)
B. Peeters (Madrid)
E. Ramos (Madrid)
H. Reall (Cambridge)
J. Roca (Barcelona)
W. Sabra (QM PhD, CAMS Lebanon)
J. Sparks (Harvard)
S. Stanciu
D. Waldram (Imperial)
K. Zoubos (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)

Please inform us of omissions or corrections to this list.
Page updated 11/12/2010 by Strings Web Master. © Queen Mary, University of London 2005
School of Physics, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 5051, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8981 9465, E-mail: physics@qmul.ac.uk