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PhD Information


We have STFC and Queen Mary funding for PhD positions in the group and typically take around three new PhD students each year using these studentships which cover fees and living expenses, normally for a period of three years. We also take suitably qualified students who are self-funded. Our students have an excellent record of obtaining postdoctoral positions world-wide or moving into professional positions of choice in industry.

All candidates should complete the application form which can be downloaded from the website here.
Note: There is no need to specify a supervisor or project title at this stage. Please send forms directly to the School of Physics address below.
Alternatively, applicants can use the online application system here, selecting the option "Semester 1 start" in the "Apply online" box. In this case please send also an email to Mrs Jazmina Moura, j.moura@qmul.ac.uk, to confirm that you have applied online.

For more details on the application procedure please contact:

Admissions/Recruitment Administrator
School of Physics
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London, E1 4NS
United Kingdom

Email: j.moura@qmul.ac.uk.

The deadline for applications is the end of February each year. We normally interview selected students and make offers before the end of March. We occasionally have funding for late applications - please enquire.

General information about postgraduate study at Queen Mary can be found here.

There is a UK site for prospective graduate students here.

In order to ensure that your application is processed in good time, please also notify us directly of your application, by email to d.s.berman@qmul.ac.uk.


General Information


The primary aim of our PhD programme is to ensure that our students produce the highest quality research, in order to enable them to successfully complete their PhD on time and obtain the best possible foundation for their career. We encourage students to begin work on a research project at the first opportunity, providing flexibility in the choice of project and supervisor, and we foster research interactions and collaborations between students and other members of the group.

Training and Progression

First year PhD students who may need to attend courses in particular subjects needed for their research are encouraged to do so. An important part of the PhD involves training in relevant skills such as seminar presentations, the writing of research papers as well as job application and interview skills; short courses in such areas are provided through the College Graduate School and training is given directly within the research group. All students are required to present formal seminars on their research each year, and are required to have submitted a report or equivalent at the end of the first year. Progression to PhD status, subject to satisfactory performance, normally takes place within the second year. We are committed to ensuring that students successfully obtain their PhDs within the funding period of their grant.

We offer an annual Graduate Program in String/Field Theory. The program consists of a series of short courses on advanced topics in String and Field Theory. The aim of these courses is not to offer a systematic introduction to basic material, but rather to help fill the gap between traditional PhD courses and the knowhow that is required for day-to-day research. For more details and information on the schedule consult the following webpage: Graduate Program in String/Field Theory

Recent PhD graduates

Recent PhD graduates from the group include:

Vincenzo Calo' (PhD 2010: Aspects of Finite Temperature Corrections in String Theory)
Vincenzo is currently working for Morgan Stanley in London. Publications.

Daniel Thompson (PhD 2010: T-Duality Invariant Approaches to String Theory)
Dan has accepted a postdoc position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Publications.

Massimiliano Vincon (PhD 2009: Unitarity Methods for Scattering Amplitudes in Perturbative Gauge Theories)
Max has accepted a postdoc position at IPM in Teheran. Publications.

Adele Nasti (PhD 2009: Novel Approaches to Perturbative Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity)
Adele has been offered a job at Rolls Royce. Publications.

Tom Brown (PhD 2009: Gauge/Gravity Duality Beyond the Planar Limit)
Tom is currently holding a postdoctoral position at DESY. Publications.

Laura Tadrowski (PhD 2008: Aspects of M-Theory branes and their deformations).
Laura is currently working for Morgan Stanley in London. Publications.

Dario Duo (PhD 2007: String techniques for the computation of effective actions in brane-world models)
Dario is currently working for the social/financial market research company Ales Market Research in Milano. Publications.

James Bedford (PhD 2007: On perturbative field theory and twistor string theory)
James has been awarded a three year PPARC Postdoctoral Fellowship to work at Imperial College London from October 2007. Publications.

John Ward (PhD 2007: Aspects of brane dynamics in string theory)
John has accepted a postdoctoral position at Victoria University, Canada, from October 2007. Publications.

Simon McNamara (PhD 2006: Twistor inspired methods in perturbative field theory and fuzzy funnels)
Simon is now working for BNP Paribas. Publications.

Costis Papageorgakis (PhD 2006: On matrix D-brane dynamics and fuzzy spheres)
Costis is a postdoc at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, moving to a second postdoc at Kings College London in October 2009 Publications.

Ronald Reid-Edwards (PhD 2006: Duality and Geometry of M theory),
Ronald was a postdoc at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg, and is currently a Visiting Academic at Queen Mary. Publications.

Joe Henson (PhD 2003: Developing a dynamic for discrete structures in quantum gravity).
Joe is currently at the Perimeter Institute, Canada. Publications.

Mike Chesterman (PhD 2003: Ghost constraints and the covariant quantization of the superparticle in ten dimensions ).
Mike is currently at the University of North Carolina. Publications.

Paul DeMedeiros (PhD 2002: Duality in non-perturbative quantum gravity).
Paul has a postdoctoral research position at Edinburgh University. Publications.

Stathis Pakis (PhD 2002: Supergravity duals and the geometry of Killing spinors).
Stathis can be found on Facebook here. Publications.

Mohab Abouzeid (PhD 2001: Complex geometry, duality and non-perturbative structures in superstring theory).
Mohab is currently working in string theory at Queen Mary. Publications.

Spyros Skoulakis (PhD 2000: Conformal aspects of turbulence and quantum Hall systems).
Spyros has moved into biological research and is working in the Molecular Oncology Group at the Institute of Cancer, Barts and the London, Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry. Publications.

Chris Kohl (PhD 1999).
After his PhD, Chris went to work for Deutsche Bank as a quantitative analyst. Publications.

Bobby Acharya (PhD 1997: Joyce compactifications of string theory and M theory).
After postdocs at Queen Mary and Rutgers, Bobby is on the permanent staff at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Publications.

Wafic Sabra (PhD 1992: Conformal invariance and two dimensional quantum gravity).
After holding positions at Royal Holloway, Queen Mary, Berlin and the American University of Beirut, Wafic is now Director of the Centre for Advanced Mathematical Sciences in Beirut, Lebanon. Publications.

Page update 11/12/2010 by Strings Web Master. © Queen Mary, University of London 2005
School of Physics, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 5051, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8981 9465, E-mail: physics@qmul.ac.uk